AML Compliance and Regulations in France

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial transactions, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations stand as the vanguard against illicit financial activities. AML regulations in France have become increasingly stringent, reflecting the global commitment to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Let’s delve into the depth of these regulations, explore how businesses can navigate them, and understand the crucial importance of AML compliance. 

Being France’s leading financial supervisory authority, AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) is responsible for regulating the country’s financial marketplace, its participants, and the investment products distributed via its markets. It plays a crucial role as it stands as a vigilant guardian of France’s financial landscape. Its decisive mandate goes beyond passive observation – it actively keeps an eye on and promotes fair play, transparency, and stability within the French financial sector. 


What are France’s AML/CFT regulations?

France’s AML and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) regulations are robust frameworks designed to safeguard the financial system from the nefarious activities of money launderers and terrorist financiers. These regulations, governed by various laws, outline the responsibilities of financial institutions, designated non-financial businesses, and professionals to conduct due diligence, implement risk-based approaches, and report suspicious transactions. 

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations serve as a cornerstone for shaping and refining these regulations, ensuring alignment with international standards.

There are several vital regulations and controls which are involved in France’s AML/CFT compliance: 

French Law: 

French legislation prohibits money laundering and the financing of terrorism within the country, as outlined in both the French Monetary and Financial Code and the French Criminal Code.

The AMF General Regulation:

The AML/CFT compliance guidelines outlined in the General Regulation are obligatory for all French institutions. The AMF consistently revises this regulation to integrate modifications in both French and European legislation.

Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) Recommendations:

 The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) issues regular directives addressing various facets of AML/CFT regulations. Noteworthy recent recommendations from the AMF encompass:

  1. AMF Document 2019-15: Instructions on the application of a risk-based methodology to AML/CFT.
  2. AMF Document 2019-16: Directives on the establishment of beneficial ownership.
  3. AML Document 2019-17: Instructions on the screening process for politically exposed persons (PEP).
  4. AML Document 2019-18: Guidance on the proper reporting of suspicious activities to TRACFIN.

The Sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directive:

 The Sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (6AMLD), effective June 3, 2021, mandates France to adopt and incorporate regularly updated anti-money laundering directives to maintain regulatory consistency across Europe. There are several significant regulatory modifications: 

  • Establishment of a unified list of 22 money laundering predicate offenses, incorporating newly added environmental crime and cybercrime.
  • We are broadening the definition of money laundering to encompass aiding and abetting.
  • Expansion of criminal liability for money laundering to include legal entities, thereby ensuring that management employees bear responsibility for the illicit actions of individual employees.
  • Imposition of heightened penalties for money laundering, including a minimum prison term of four years.
  • Implementation of information-sharing requirements among different EU jurisdictions to enhance the facilitation of criminal convictions.

How do you comply with French AML regulations?

Companies in France should strictly follow AML compliance. AML CFT regulations necessitate the establishment of robust internal controls, policies, and procedures tailored to the risk profile of the business. Implementing AML solutions that facilitate efficient customer onboarding through identity verification, ongoing transaction monitoring, and AML watchlist screening is pivotal.

  1. Customer Identification: Implement a robust customer identification process involving thorough documentation checks and reliable identity verification tools to verify client identities. 
  2. Beneficial Ownership: Adherence to AML regulations involves documenting beneficial ownership information identifying and verifying individuals who control a customer, to prevent illicit misuse of corporate structures.
  3. Transaction Screening: Regularly screen transactions against watchlists and databases to detect suspicious or illicit activities, with automated transaction monitoring systems enhancing efficiency and real-time scrutiny.
  4. Adverse Media Screening: Regularly monitor news sources and public records for any adverse media information indicating potential involvement in criminal activities to assess the reputation and risk associated with clients.

Why is AML compliance Important? 

Our AML Screening helps companies improve their AML/CFT compliance by matching customer names across various global data sources. The importance of AML compliance extends beyond regulatory obligations; it is a critical component in safeguarding the integrity and stability of the financial system. Non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including hefty fines, reputational damage, and legal repercussions. In an interconnected world, where financial transactions traverse borders effortlessly, AML compliance serves as a collaborative effort to protect the integrity of the international financial system.

KYC France stands as a leading provider of comprehensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) solutions, adhering meticulously to AML compliance and regulations. With a commitment to upholding the highest standards in financial integrity, KYC France integrates cutting-edge technologies to offer robust AML solutions. These solutions encompass stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, transaction monitoring, and adherence to AML regulations set forth by both national and international authorities. 


In conclusion, navigating AML regulations in France requires a proactive and strategic approach. By embracing AML solutions that align with regulatory frameworks, businesses not only fulfill their legal obligations but also fortify themselves against evolving threats. AML compliance is not merely a regulatory checkbox; it is a testament to a business’s commitment to ethical conduct, financial integrity, and global security. As AML regulations continue to evolve, businesses that prioritize compliance will not only thrive in the financial landscape but also contribute to a safer and more secure global economy.